SIP Codes
Im SIP-Protokoll werden vergleichbar zu SMTH und HTTP Anfragen mit standardisierten Antworten bestätigt. Die Antwort besteht in der Regel immer aus einer dreistelligen Nummer und einem erläuternden Text.
Die Informationen auf dieser Seite habe ich aus verschiedenen Quelle, z.B. RFCs, Produktinformationen von Gateway-Herstellern etc. zusammen gesammelt und hier als Liste aufbereitet.
SIP Klassen
Die erste Stelle klassifiziert die Art der Meldung:
Code | Einstufung | Information |
1xx |
Provisional Responses |
Diese Meldung ist eine Zwischeninformation, die aber nicht die SIP Transaktion abschließt. |
2xx |
Successful Responses |
Die Transaktion wurde erfolgreich abgeschlossen |
3xx |
Redirection Responses |
Die Transaktion wurde beendet aber der Client bekommt die Information, dass er einen anderen Weg nutzen muss |
4xx |
Client Failure Responses |
Der Server hat die Anfrage verarbeitet aber sie war nicht erfolgreich, z.B. falsche Rufnummer, keine Rechte o.ä. |
5xx |
Server Failure Responses |
Der Server kann die Anfrage nicht verarbeiten. Das Problem ist aber beim Server selbst zu suchen, z.B. Kein Speicher, keine Verbindung o.ä. |
6xx |
Global Failure Responses |
SIP Codes
Hier eine Aufstellung verschiedener Fehlercodes und deren Bedeutung. Die genaue Implementierung kann vom Produkt abhängen. Bei Gateways zwischen SIP und ISDN findet eine Umsetzung der ISDN- (Q.850) Fehler auf SIP-Fehler statt, die aber jedes Gateway individuell definiert.
Code | Text | Bedeutung |
100 |
Trying |
Wenn die Suche nach dem Ziel länger dauert, sollte eine 100 Trying gemeldet werden, damit der Client noch etwas wartet. Lync selbst erwartet die Meldung nach 1,5 Sekunden (Lync Timeouts), ansonsten sucht Lync nach einem anderen Weg |
180 |
Ringing |
Der Anruf ist beim Ziel angekommen und dieser sendet zurück, dass es "Klingelt". Bei Lync mit Early Media kann es sein, dass die Endpunkte zuerst versuchen per ICE eine Verbindung herzustellen, ehe es klingelt |
181 |
Call is Being Forwarded |
Optionale Antwort des Servers, wenn der Ruf weitergeleitet wird. Wenn der Client dies auswertet, sieht der Anrufer die Weiterleitung |
182 |
Queued |
Indicates that the destination was temporarily unavailable, so the server has queued the call until the destination is available. A server may send multiple 182 responses to Update progress of the queue |
183 |
Session in Progress |
This response may be used to send extra information für a call which is still being set up. |
199 |
Early Dialog Terminated |
Can used by User Agent Server to indicate to upstream SIP entities (including the User Agent Client (UAC)) that an early dialog has been terminated |
200 |
OK |
Indicates the request was successful. |
202 |
Accepted |
Indicates that the request has been accepted für processing, but the processing has not been completed. |
204 |
No Notification |
Indicates the request was successful, but the corresponding response will not be received. |
300 |
Multiple Choices |
301 |
Moved Permanently |
302 |
Moved Temporarily |
305 |
Use Proxy |
380 |
Alternative Service |
400 |
Bad Request |
The request could not be understood due to malformed syntax. |
401 |
Unauthorized |
The request requires User authentication. This response is issued by uASs and registrars. |
402 |
Payment Required |
Reserved für future use. |
403 |
Forbidden |
The server understood the request, but is refusing to fulfill it. |
404 |
Not Found (User not found) |
The server has definitive information that the User does not exist at the domain specified in the Request-URI. This status is also returned if the domain in the Request-URI does not match any of the domains handled by the recipient of the request. |
405 |
Method Not Allowed |
The method specified in the Request-Line is understood, but not allowed für the address identified by the Request-URI. |
406 |
Not Acceptable |
The resource identified by the request is only capable of generating response entities that have content characteristics not acceptable according to the Accept header field sent in the request. |
407 |
Proxy Authentication Required |
The request requires User authentication. This response is issued by proxys. |
408 |
Request Timeout |
Couldn't find the User in time. |
409 |
Conflict |
User already registered (RFC 2543) |
410 |
Gone |
The User existed once, but is not available here any more. |
412 |
Conditional Request Failed |
Conditional Request Failed (RFC 3903) |
413 |
Request Entity Too Large |
Request body too large. |
414 |
Request-URI Too Long |
The server is refusing to service the request because the Request-URI is longer than the server is willing to interpret. |
415 |
Unsupported Media Type |
Request body in a format not supported. |
416 |
Unsupported URI Scheme |
Request-URI is unknown to the server. |
417 |
Unknown Resource-Priority |
Unknown Resource-Priority (RFC 4412) |
420 |
Bad Extension |
Bad SIP Protocol Extension used, not understood by the server. |
421 |
Extension Required |
The server needs a specific extension not listed in the Supported header. |
422 |
Session Interval Too Small |
It is generated by a uAS or proxy when a request contains a Session-Expires header field with a duration below the minimum timer für the server (RFC 4028) |
423 |
Interval Too Brief |
Expiration time of the resource is too short. |
424 |
Bad Location Information |
Bad Location Information (RFC 6442) |
428 |
Use Identity Header |
Use Identity Header (RFC 4474) |
429 |
Provide Referrer Identity |
Provide Referrer Identity (RFC 3892) |
433 |
Anonymity Disallowed |
Anonymity Disallowed (RFC 5079) |
436 |
Bad Identity-Info |
Bad Identity-Info (RFC 4474) |
437 |
Unsupported Certificate |
Unsupported Certificate (RFC 4474) |
438 |
Invalid Identity Header |
Invalid Identity Header (RFC 4474) |
480 |
Temporarily unavailable |
Callee currently unavailable. |
481 |
Call/Transaction Does Not Exist |
Server received a request that does not match any dialog or transaction. |
482 |
Loop Detected. |
Server has detected a loop. |
483 |
Too Many Hops |
Max-Forwards header has reach value '0'. |
484 |
Address Incomplete |
Request-URI incomplete. |
485 |
Ambiguous |
Request-URI is ambiguous. |
486 |
Busy Here |
Callee is busy. |
487 |
Request Terminated |
Request has terminated by bye or cancel. |
488 |
Not Acceptable Here |
Some aspects of the session description of the Request-URI is not acceptable. |
489 |
Bad Event |
Bad Event (RFC 3265) |
491 |
Request Pending |
Server has some pending request from the same dialog. |
493 |
Undecipherable |
Request contains an encrypted MIME body, which recipient can not decrypt. |
494 |
Security Agreement Required |
Security Agreement Required (RFC 3329) |
500 |
Server Internal Error |
501 |
Not Implemented:
The SIP request method is not implemented here |
502 |
Bad Gateway |
503 |
Service unavailable |
504 |
Server Time-out |
505 |
Version Not Supported: |
The server does not support this version of the SIP protocol |
513 |
Message Too Large |
580 |
Precondition Failure |
600 |
Busy Everywhere |
603 |
Decline |
604 |
Does Not Exist Anywhere |
606 |
Not Acceptable |
Weitere Links
- ISDN NetCause
- RFC3329: Security Mechanism
Agreement für the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) - RFC 5079 Rejecting Anonymous
Requests in the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) - RFC 3265 Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP)-Specific Event Notification - RFC 2543 SIP: Session Initiation
Protocol - RFC 4412 Communications Resource
Priority für the Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) - RFC 4028 Session Timers in the
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) - RFC 3892 The Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) Referred-By Mechanism - RFC 4474 Enhancements für Authenticated
Identity Management in the Session
Initiation Protocol (SIP) - RFC 6442 Location Conveyance
für the Session Initiation Protocol - RFC 3903 Session Initiation
Protocol (SIP) Extension für Event
State Publication - List of SIP response codes -
- Recommendation Q.850 - Mapping Q.850 to SIP Responses - Q.850 to SIP Code Table - SIP to Q.850 Code Table: RFC
4497 section 8.4.4 - Q.SIG / SIP mappings RFC 4497 section 8.4.1
- Mapping SIP Error Messages to
DSS1 codes - Session Initiation Protocol
(SIP) Parameters - RFC 3261 - Configurable PSTN Cause Code
to SIP Response Mapping - SIP-Status-Codes - Q.850 to SIP Code Table