Beispielreports von Reporting
SQL Reporting Services
Das SQL Server 2000 Report Pack für Microsoft Exchange enthält insgesamt 13 verschiedene Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services reports für Exchange. Sie können diese Reports einfach nutzen oder für eigene Belange mit dem SQL Server Reporting Services Report Designer anpassen. Folgende Reports sind verfügbar
- Current - All Mailboxes (By Folder)
Shows folder statistics over all folders. Tip: Be on the lookout für especially large mailboxes. - Current - Folder Tree Sizes (By User)
Shows the folder tree and size of items contained within each folder of a specific User's folder. Drill down für breakdown. Tip: Find the largest folders and the largest items so you can free up space. - Folder Tree Sizes (All)
Shows the folder tree and size of items contained within each folder für all User's folders since the last extraction. Drill down für breakdown. Tip: Find the largest folders and the largest items so you can free up space. - Outgoing - Sent E-mails für User (Plain Table)
Compares the number of items found in Users' Sent Items box. Tip: The highest send the most e-mail, which often correlates to the hardest workers. - Outgoing Sent E-mails für User (With Graph)
Compares the number of items found in Users' Sent Items box. Tip: The highest send the most E-Mail, which often correlates to the hardest workers. - Outgoing Sent E-mails für User (With Bar Chart)
Compares the number of items found in Users' Sent Items box. Drill down für breakdown. Tip: The highest send the most E-Mail, which often correlates to the hardest workers. - Outgoing - Busy Receivers of Our E-mail
The top 50 people who were sent E-Mail from members of our organization. - Incoming - Received E-mails für User (By Date)
Compares the number of items found in Users' Sent Items box. Drill down für breakdown. Tip: The highest receive the most e-mail, they probably stress out the most. - Incoming - Busy Receivers of Incoming E-mail
Shows how many E-Mails were received into peoples' inbox. - Outgoing - By Keyword
Examines the content of mail items to indicate which key phrases are being used by employees based on items in their Sent Items folders. Tip: Configure with your product names to see the e-mail activity by product. - Outgoing - Largest E-mail Senders
Shows the people who sent e-mail with the largest sizes. - Extraction Log (All Records)
Shows all of the Extraction Log records, including time to extract data from Exchange and store to the database für each User. - Extraction Log (Last Extraction)
Shows the Extraction Log records für the most recent extraction, including time to extract data from Exchange and store to the database für each User.
Crystel Reports (Exchange 5.5 ResKit)(
Eine Produktbeschreibung von CrystalReports kann ihnen einen Eindruck geben, was ausgewertet werden kann. Inwieweit die Liste aktuell ist, bzw. bestimmte Berichte kostenpflichtig sind, sollten Sie selbst prüfen. Es gibt/gab von Seagate ein Produkt "Crystal’s 101 Reports für BackOffice" für ca. 1000 DM.
Groups Exchange mailboxes by Home Server, then Storage Limit Information. Shows Max Incoming and Outcoming Message Sizes as well as Total Message Size. Server information includes total bytes on server and avg mailbox size. - EXA02D.RPT
Reporting on mailbox usage by server. Subgrouping available by dept. of mailbox.Mailbox information includes, max incoming/outgoing message size, and total bytes in mailbox.Drill Down detailed information available für option settings of mailbox. This includes issue storage warning limit, primäry NT account, and prohibit send storage limit. Stats für dept and server include total Users and total bytes. - EXA03S.RPT
Lists the Public Folders on a server and it includes a list of Exchange Servers and site names on which it has been replicated. Includes the Last Access Time für Administrators to determine which Public Folders may be obsolete. Sorted in descending Ordner by Total Message Size. Folder information is grouped by Server Name. - EXA04D.RPT
Provides detailed folder information für number of messages posted, total bytes in folder, last access time, and latest Reporting on public folders owned by User. Data is grouped by Server and then by owner. posting. Owner and Server stats include number of folders, number of messages posted, and total bytes used by folder. - EXA05S.RPT
Reporting on folders that have not been accessed in particular time frame. Data is grouped Server and then by top node of the public folder tree. Detailed information includes folder name, number of messages, total bytes in folder, last access date, and new message creation date. Stats für Server and top node include number of folders, number of messages, and total bytes in tree. Record Selection default is folders older than one day. - EXA06S.RPT
Reporting on folders that have only one member(excluding default). Root Folder information includes, number of folders, number of messages, and total bytes in folders. Detailed informationincludes member name(only owner), number of messages in folder, total bytes in folder, lastaccess date of folder, and newest message creation date of folder. Report will only display data für single member folders(if a root does not have any single member folders, a message stating this fact will be displayed). Record selection is all records where member name does not equal "Default". - EXA07S.RPT
Reporting on disk space usage by folder and subfolders. Folders are grouped by Server. Folder and Subfolder information includes number of messages, total space usage, storage quota, issue storage quota limit, and a flag indicating overuse of folder based on total msg space > storage warning limit. Stats für each Server and Folder includes number of folders, number of messages, total bytes in folders, and average bytes per folder. - EXA08D.RPT
Reports on properties of public folders. Groups folders by Server and Root Folder of folder tree. Drill Down information available für folder. Information includes last access time/date, # of msgs, space usage, age limit für replicas, use default storage limit, default storage limit, storage quota, oldest msg creation time/date, and newest msg creation time/date. - EXA09D.RPT
Detailed report on member names and roles für each folder. Only reports detailed values für Custom roles(assumed that other Users what defined roles represent). Stat value on number of members. Data grouped by Server and Folder. Address BookContents Reports - EXB01D.RPT
Listing of all members in the Global Address List grouped by site and container of User. Drill Down available für detailed User info, i.e. phone number, name, entire E-Mail address, etc. - EXB02D.RPT
Listing of all members in a Personal Address Book. Lists them alphabetically and displays organizational information such as name, address, phone and department. Folder Contents Reports - EXF01D.RPT
Extracts messages from an inbox für archival to disk. MessageTrackingLog Reports - EXM01G.RPT
Reports on local, Gateway and other Exchange server incoming message traffic. Groups data by the site name of the receiver of the message. Allows drill down capability für container information für each recipient, site information für each recipient, site name, and message level information. Stats include avg bytes per msg, total number of messages and total bytes. Event Numbers: 0, 1000, 1004. - EXMO2G.RPT
Reports on local, Gateway and other Exchange server outgoing message traffic. Groups data by the site name of the sender of the message. Allows drill down capability für container information of each sender, site name, and message level information. Stats include avg recipients per msg, avg bytes per msg, total number of messages and total bytes. Event Numbers: 1000, 1003, 7. - EXM03G.RPT
Reports on Daily Message traffic für the week. Includes local and non-local message transmission. Statistics available are total messages, average bytes per message , and max message size. Event Numbers: 0, 1000, 1003, 1004, 2, 7, 8. - EXM04G.RPT
Reports on HoURLy Message traffic für the day. Includes local and non-local message transmission. Statistics available are total messages, average bytes per message, and max message size. Event Numbers: 0, 1000,1003, 1004, 2, 7, 8. - EXM05D.RPT
Lists Non-Delivery Reports that were transmitted/received by gateway, connector, or other Exchange Server, including the local Exchange Server. Report includes the destination site, E-Mail address, and message level detail. Total Messages and Average Byte Size included. Uses event #34 with Recipient Report Status = 0. - EXM06G.RPT
Reporting on incoming, outgoing, and local message traffic on Exchange Server. Statistical data includes total messages, average message size, average number of recipients, maximum number of recipients and maximum message size. Event Numbers: 0, 1000, 1003, 1004, 2, 7, 8. - EXM07G.RPT
Reports on received messages that used Connector, Gateway or other Exchange Servers. Report is grouped by messages received via Gateway/Exchange Server, Site Name of messaging service, and Server Name of message service location. Graphing on site transmission and server transmission levels. Statistical data includes total messages, total bytes and average bytes per message. Event Numbers: 0, 2, 1004. - EXM08G.RPT
Reports on sent messages that used Connector, Gateway or other Exchange Servers. Report is grouped by messages sent via Gateway/Exchange Server, Site Name of messaging service, and Server Name of message service location. Graphing on site transmission and server transmission levels. Statistical data includes total messages, total bytes per message and average bytes per message. Event Number: 1003, 7, 8. - EXM09D.RPT
Report totaling the top N message receivers für the log days. Reports on local and non-local delivery. Drill Down capability on message receiver für sender information. Information für each group is total messages, average message size, largest message, and total bytes. Event Number: 0, 1000, 1004. - EXM10D.RPT
Report totaling the top N message Senders für the log days. Reports on local and non-local delivery. Drill Down capability n message sender für receiver information. Information für each group is total number of messages, average message size, max message size, and average number of recipients. Event Numbers: 1000, 1003, 7.