# PRTG-Ubiquiti Sensors # # Uses the Ubiquiti Controller REST-Api to collect additional information about the WLAN # Send a main Feedback about the Sensor itself and global values # Additional HTTPPush Sensors are used to send Datra per SSID and Channel # # 20170512 Ver 0.7 FC Initial Version with REST-API # 20170515 Ver 1.0 FC First version with additional HTTPPush sensors # 20170531 Ver 1.1 FC Remove custom Unit String # 20170710 Ver 1.2 FC Enforce TLS 1.1 # 20201130 Ver 1.3 FC Added debugging and SkipCertCheck, enhanced error handing # 20201201 Ver 1.4 FC Debugging Output parameter and Sensornames # 20211216 Ver 1.5 FC Bugfix mit CertCheck und Version Check minimum 3 -> 7, Exit Code korrektur [CMdLetBinding()] param( [string]$controlleruri = "", # Url to access the ubiqiti controller Service [string]$site = 'default', # name of the ubiquiti site to query [string]$username = 'RESTAPI', # valid user account of an Admin (ReadOnly is fine) [string]$password = 'REST4PRTG', # corresponding password [string]$httppushurl = '', #prefix of HTTP-Sensors [int]$maxretries = 3, # maximum numbers of retries to grab authToken and JSON_Data [switch]$SkipCertificateCheck = $false ) Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Start" Write-verbose "Param: controlleruri : $($controlleruri)" Write-verbose "Param: site$ : $($site)" Write-verbose "Param: username$ : $($username)" Write-verbose "Param: password$ : $($password)" Write-verbose "Param: httppushurl : $($httppushurl)" Write-verbose "Param: maxretries : $($maxretries)" Write-verbose "Param: SkipCertificateCheck: $($SkipCertificateCheck)" if ($SkipCertificateCheck) { Write-Verbose " Skip CertificateCheck enabled" #Ignore SSL Errors, maybe not required, because Invoke-RESTMethod has a Switch [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true} } Write-Verbose " Loading system.web for URL Encoding" Add-Type -AssemblyName system.web # required for URL Enconding Write-Verbose "Enforce TLS1.1 or higher. Ubiquiti 5.4.18 does not support tls 1.0 anymore" $ValidTLS = [System.Net.SecurityProtocolType]'Tls11,Tls12' [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = $ValidTLS Write-Verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Check PS-Version" # Confirm Powershell Version. if ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major -lt 7) { Write-Output "" Write-Output "1" Write-Output "Powershell Version is $($PSVersionTable.PSVersion.Major) Requires at least 3. " Write-Output "" Write-Output "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Check PS-Version failed" Exit } write-Verbose "Build CredentialJSON" [string]$credential = "`{""username"":""$username"",""password"":""$password""}" write-Verbose "CredentialJSON: $($credential)" # Start debug timer $queryMeasurement = [System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() Write-Verbose "Try to get Authentication Token" $trycount=1 $restresult=$null while ($trycount -lt $maxretries) { try { Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Download Login Token from Controller, try $trycount" $WebSession = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession $restresult=Invoke-Restmethod ` -Uri "$controlleruri/api/login" ` -method POST ` -body $credential ` -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8" ` -WebSession $Websession ` -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck $trycount=$maxretries } catch{ Write-verbose "CATCH $($_)" $trycount++ } } if ($restresult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { Write-Verbose "Getting Authentication Cookie SUCCESSFUL Result.meta.rc -eq ok" } else { Write-Verbose "NO Authentication Cookie received - Stopping" Write-Output "" Write-Output "1" Write-Output "No Session Authentication Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Output "" Write-Output "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Download Login Token failed. Exitcode:3" Exit 3 } foreach ($cookie in $WebSession.cookies.GetCookies($controlleruri)) { write-verbose "Cookie Name: $($cookie.name) = $($cookie.value)" } #Query API providing token from first query. $jsonresult=$null $trycount=1 Write-Verbose "Try to get $($controlleruri)/api/s/$($site)/stat/device/" while ($trycount -lt 3) { try { Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Download Controller Data from $controlleruri trycount $trycount" $jsonresult = Invoke-Restmethod ` -Method POST ` -Uri "$controlleruri/api/s/$site/stat/device/" ` -WebSession $WebSession ` -SkipCertificateCheck:$SkipCertificateCheck ` -verbose $trycount=$maxretries } catch{ $trycount++ } } if ($jsonresult.meta.rc -eq "ok") { write-verbose "jsonresult.meta.rc -eq ok" } else { Write-Verbose "NO Authentication Cookie received -Stopping" Write-Output "" Write-Output "1" Write-Output "API Query Failed: $($_.Exception.Message)" Write-Output "" Write-Output "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Download Controller Data FAILED. Exitcode:4" Exit 4 } # Stop debug timer $queryMeasurement.Stop() Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:Generating Data" foreach ($entry in $jsonresult.data.vap_table) { Write-verbose "-----------------------------------------------------" Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: WLAN $($entry.essid) on $($entry.radio) " Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Clients $($entry.num_sta)" Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Channel $($entry.channel)" $prtgresult = ' TotalClients '+($entry.'num_sta')+' 0 Channel '+($entry.'channel')+' 0 RX-Bytes '+($entry.'rx_bytes') +' 0 Difference Bytes RX-Errors '+($entry.'rx_errors') +' 0 Difference Pakete RX-dropped '+($entry.'rx_dropped') +' 0 Difference Pakete TX-Bytes '+($entry.'tx_bytes') +' 0 Difference Bytes TX-Errors '+($entry.'tx_errors') +' 0 Difference Pakete TX-dropped '+($entry.'tx_dropped') +' 0 Difference Pakete ' #$prtgresult $uri = ($httppushurl+$guid+$($entry.essid)+"-"+$($entry.radio)) Write-verbose "ESSID : $($entry.essid)" Write-verbose "Radio : $($entry.radio)" Write-verbose "Sensorname: $($guid+$($entry.essid)+"-"+$($entry.radio))" Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Sending Data to $($uri)" #$debugfile = ([string](get-date).tostring("hhmmssfff") + ".txt") #Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Sending Debug to $debugfile" #$prtgresult | out-file $debugfile $Answer=Invoke-Webrequest ` -method 'GET' ` -URI ($uri + "?content="+[System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($prtgresult)) ` -usebasicparsing Write-verbose "WebRequest $($answer.rawcontent)" if ($answer.Statuscode -ne 200) { write-warning 'Request to PRTG failed. Exitcode:1' exit 1 } } Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Done sending individual WLANs" Write-verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ: Start generating summary" $apCount = 0 Foreach ($entry in ($jsonresult.data | where-object { $_.state -eq "1" -and $_.type -like "uap"})){ $apCount ++ } $apUpgradeable = 0 Foreach ($entry in ($jsonresult.data | where-object { $_.state -eq "1" -and $_.type -like "uap" -and $_.upgradable -eq "true"})){ $apUpgradeable ++ } $userCount = 0 Foreach ($entry in ($jsonresult.data | where-object { $_.type -like "uap"})){ $userCount += $entry.'ng-num_sta' } $guestCount = 0 Foreach ($entry in ($jsonresult.data | where-object { $_.type -like "uap"})){ $guestCount += $entry.'ng-guest-num_sta' } #Write Results Write-Output "" Write-Output "" Write-Output " " Write-Output " Clients (Total)" Write-Output " $($userCount)" Write-Output " " Write-Output " " Write-Output " Access Points Connected" Write-Output " $($apCount)" Write-Output " " Write-Output " " Write-Output " Access Points Upgradeable" Write-Output " $($apUpgradeable)" Write-Output " " Write-Output " " Write-Output " Guests" Write-Output " $($guestCount)" Write-Output " " Write-Output " " Write-Output " Load" Write-Output " $($jsonresult.data.sys_stats.loadavg_5)" Write-Output " " Write-Output " " Write-Output " Response Time" Write-Output " $($queryMeasurement.ElapsedMilliseconds)" Write-Output " msecs" Write-Output " " Write-Output "" Write-Verbose "PRTG-Ubiquiti-MSXFAQ:End. Exitcode:0" exit 0