'THIS CODE AND INFORMATION IS PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT 'WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, 'INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES 'OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS für A PARTICULAR 'PURPOSE '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'FILE DESCRIPTION: Script für managing SMTP Protocol and Transport Event Sink bindings. ' 'File Name: smtpreg.vbs ' ' ' Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1993-1999. All rights reserved. '------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Option Explicit ' The SMTP Source Type Const GUID_SMTPSourceType = "{fb65c4dc-e468-11d1-aa67-00c04fa345f6}" ' The base Source GUID für SMTP Service Event Sources Const GUID_SmtpSvcSourceBase = "{1b3c0666-e470-11d1-aa67-00c04fa345f6}" ' the Event type GUIDs (COM Categories) für SMTP Service Events ' Protocol Events Const catidSmtpOnInboundCommand = "{F6628C8D-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnServerResponse = "{F6628C8E-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnSessionStart = "{F6628C8F-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnMessageStart = "{F6628C90-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnPerRecipient = "{F6628C91-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnBeforeData = "{F6628C92-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" Const catidSmtpOnSessionEnd = "{F6628C93-0D5E-11d2-AA68-00C04FA35B82}" ' Transport Events Const catidSmtpStoreDriver = "{59175850-e533-11d1-aa67-00c04fa345f6}" Const catidSmtpOnArrival = "{FF3CAA23-00B9-11d2-9DFB-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpOnTransportSubmission = "{FF3CAA23-00B9-11d2-9DFB-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpOnPreCategorize = "{A3ACFB0D-83FF-11d2-9E14-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpOnCategorize = "{960252A3-0A3A-11d2-9E00-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpOnPostCategorize = "{76719654-05A6-11d2-9dfd-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpOnTransportRouter = "{283430C9-1850-11d2-9E03-00C04FA322BA}" Const catidSmtpMsgTrackLog = "{c6df52aa-7db0-11d2-94f4-00c04f79f1d6}" Const catidSmtpDnsResolver = "{bd0b4366-8e03-11d2-94f6-00c04f79f1d6}" Const catidSmtpMaxMsgSize = "{ebf159de-a67e-11d2-94f7-00c04f79f1d6}" ' Create the GLOBAL SEO Objects used to manage the bindings. ' The SEO oEventManager object. ' This object is used to manage the event bindings database. Dim oEventManager Set oEventManager = CreateObject("Event.Manager") ' The SEO COM Category Manager ' This object is used to add Implements Category keys für registered sinks. Dim oComCatMan Set oComCatMan = CreateObject("Event.ComCat") ' SEO utilities ' This object is used to generate the necessary Source GUID für a particular ' SMTP Service Virtual Service. Dim oSEOUtil Set oSEOUtil = CreateObject("Event.Util") ' ** DisplayUsage ** ' display usage information für this script ' public sub DisplayUsage WScript.echo "usage: cscript smtpreg.vbs " WScript.echo " Commands:" WScript.echo " /add " WScript.echo " /remove " WScript.echo " /setprop " WScript.echo " " WScript.echo " /delprop " WScript.echo " /enable " WScript.echo " /disable " WScript.echo " /enum" WScript.echo " Arguments:" WScript.echo " The SMTP virtual service instance" WScript.echo " The event name. Can be one of the following:" WScript.echo WScript.echo " Transport Events:" WScript.echo " StoreDriver" WScript.echo " OnArrival (OnTransportSubmission)" WScript.echo " OnTransportSubmission" WScript.echo " OnPreCategorize" WScript.echo " OnCategorize" WScript.echo " OnPostCategorize" WScript.Echo " OnTransportRouter" WScript.echo " MsgTrackLog" WScript.echo " DnsResolver " WScript.echo " MaxMsgSize" WScript.echo " Protocol Events:" WScript.echo " OnInboundCommand" WScript.echo " OnServerResponse" WScript.echo " OnSessionStart" WScript.echo " OnMessageStart" WScript.echo " OnPerRecipient" WScript.echo " OnBeforeData" WScript.echo " OnSessionEnd" WScript.echo WScript.echo " The display name of the event to edit" WScript.echo " The sink Programmatic identifier" WScript.echo " The protocol rule to use für the event (ehlo=*,mail from=*, etc.)" WScript.echo " The event binding GUID in registry string format: {GUID}" WScript.echo " The ""Source"" or ""Sink"" property bag" WScript.echo " The name of the property to edit" WScript.echo " The value to assign to the property" end sub ' ' register a new sink with event manager ' ' iInstance - The SMTP virtual service instance für which to register the binding. ' szEventName - Must be "OnArrival" ' szDisplayName - The display name für this new sink ' szProgID - The ProgId of the event sink COM Class. ' szRule - The protocol firing rule für the event sink. ' szBindingGUID - Optional. The Binding GUID to use für the binding. ' public sub RegisterSink(iInstance, szEventName, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szProgID, szRule, szPrioVal) Dim oBindings Dim oBinding Dim PrioVal Dim catidEventType Set oBindings = GetBindings(iInstance, szEventName) catidEventType = GetEventTypeCatID(szEventName) ' Attempt to add the "ImplementsCategory" key für Sink using ProgID ' If the sink is not registered on this machine, this will fail. ' If this category is not registered, this method will fail. On Error Resume Next Dim fRegCompleteOrErr fRegCompleteOrErr = False Do until fRegCompleteOrErr oComCatMan.RegisterClassImplementsCategory szProgID, catidEventType If Err.Number <> 0 Then Dim oldErrorNum Dim oldErrDesc oldErrorNum = Err.Number oldErrDesc = Err.Description ' verify the COM category exists: Err.Clear Dim szCOMCatDesc szCOMCatDesc = "" szCOMCatDesc = oComCatMan.GetCategoryDescription(catidEventType,0) if Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "COM Category (EventType) is not registered..." ' Attempt to run SMTPSEOSetup Call ResetSMTPCatIDs() Else Wscript.Echo "** Registration Failed **" Wscript.Echo " Err.Number (HRESULT) = 0x" & Hex(oldErrorNum) WScript.Echo " Err.Description = " & oldErrDesc WScript.Echo " ProgID = " & szProgID WSCript.Echo " COM Category = " & catidEventType WSCript.Echo " Corresponding Event = " & szEventName WScript.Echo "** Have you registered your sink COM class on this machine?" WScript.Quit End If Else fRegCompleteOrErr = True End If Loop ' Sink is registered...resume registration ' Generate a GUID für the binding if the caller did not specify one If szBindingGUID = "" Then szBindingGUID = oSEOUtil.GetNewGUID End If Set oBinding = oBindings.Add(szBindingGUID) ' set the binding properties oBinding.DisplayName = szDisplayName oBinding.SinkClass = szProgID ' register a rule with the binding If szRule <> "" Then oBinding.SourceProperties.Add "Rule", szRule End If ' register a priority with the binding ' Assign the default priority if not specified If szPrioVal = "" Then szPrioVal = 24575 ' the default WScript.Echo "Assigning priority (" & szPrioVal & " in 32767)" End If oBinding.SourceProperties.Add "Priority", CInt(szPrioVal) ' save the binding oBinding.Save If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "Failed to save the binding " & GUID_Binding WScript.Echo Err.Number WScript.Echo Err.Description WScript.Quit End If WScript.Echo "** SUCCESS **" WScript.Echo "Registered Binding:" Wscript.ECho " Event Name :" & oComCatMan.GetCategoryDescription(catidEventType,0) WScript.Echo " Display Name:" & szDisplayName WScript.Echo " Binding GUID:" & szBindingGUID WScript.Echo " ProgID :" & szProgID WScript.Echo " Rule :" & szRule WScript.Echo " Priority :" & szPrioVal & " (0 - 32767, default: 24575)" WScript.Echo " ComCatID :" & catidEventType end sub ' ** GetEventTypeCatID ** ' in: szEventName ' returns: COM Category ID für the Event (as a string) Function GetEventTypeCatID(szEventName) select case LCase(szEventName) case "storedriver" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpStoreDriver case "onarrival" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnArrival case "ontransportsubmission" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnTransportSubmission case "onprecategorize" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnPreCategorize case "oncategorize" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnCategorize case "onpostcategorize" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnPostCategorize case "ontransportrouter" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnTransportRouter case "msgtracklog" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpMsgTrackLog case "dnsresolver" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpDnsResolver case "maxmsgsize" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpMaxMsgSize case "oninboundcommand" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnInBoundCommand case "onserverresponse" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnServerResponse case "onsessionstart" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnSessionStart case "onmessagestart" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnMessageStart case "onperrecipient" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnPerRecipient case "onbeforedata" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnBeforeData case "onsessionend" GetEventTypeCatID = catidSmtpOnSessionEnd case else WScript.Echo "Unrecognized Event Name: " & szEventName ' This is fatal...quit! WScript.Quit(-1) end select End Function ' ' ** unregisterSink ** ' unregister a previously registered sink ' ' iInstance - the SMTP Virtual Service Instance ' szEventName - The Event name ' szDisplayName - The display name of the event to remove ' szBindingGUID - Optional. The Binding GUID to use. public sub unregisterSink(iInstance, szEventName, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) Dim oBindings dim catidEventType Set oBindings = GetBindings(iInstance,szEventName) catidEventType = GetEventTypeCatID(szEventName) ' If the Binding GUID was given, use it to remove the binding ' otherwise, get it using the display name If szBindingGUID = "" Then szBindingGUID = GetBindingGUIDFromDisplayName(szDisplayName,oBindings) End If oBindings.Remove szBindingGUID WScript.Echo "** SUCCESS **" WScript.Echo "Removed Binding:" Wscript.ECho " Event Name :" & oComCatMan.GetCategoryDescription(catidEventType,0) WScript.Echo " Display Name:" & szDisplayName WScript.Echo " Binding GUID:" & szBindingGUID WScript.Echo " ComCatID :" & catidEventType end sub ' **************** ' * EditProperty * ' **************** ' add or remove a property from the source or sink propertybag für an event binding ' ' iInstance - The SMTP instance to edit ' szEvent - The event name (OnArrival, OnMessageSubmission, etc.) ' szDisplayName - The display name of the event ' szBindingGUID - Optional. The GUID für the binding. Display name is used if not supplied ' szPropertyBag - The property bag to edit ("source" or "sink") ' szOperation - "add" or "remove" ' szPropertyName - The name to edit in the property bag ' szPropertyValue - The value to assign to the name (ignored für remove) ' public sub EditProperty(iInstance, szEventName, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szPropertyBag, szOperation, szPropertyName, szPropertyValue) Dim oBinding Dim oPropertyBag Set oBinding = GetBinding(iInstance, szEventName, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) select case LCase(szPropertyBag) case "source" set oPropertyBag = oBinding.SourceProperties case "sink" set oPropertyBag = oBinding.SinkProperties case else WScript.echo "invalid propertybag: " & szPropertyBag exit sub end select ' figure out what operation we want to perform select case LCase(szOperation) case "remove" ' they want to remove szPropertyName from the ' property bag oPropertyBag.Remove szPropertyName WScript.echo "removed property " & szPropertyName case "add" ' add szPropertyName to the property bag and ' set its value to szValue. if this value ' already exists then this will change the value ' it to szValue. oPropertyBag.Add szPropertyName, szPropertyValue WScript.echo "set property " & szPropertyName & " to " & szPropertyValue case else WScript.echo "invalid operation: " & szOperation exit sub end select ' save the binding oBinding.Save end sub ' ****************** ' * SetSinkEnabled * ' ****************** ' Enable/disable a registered sink ' ' iInstance - The instance to work against ' szEvent - The event name ' szDisplayName - The display name für this sink ' szBindingGUID - The Binding GUID (optional) ' public sub SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szEnable) Dim oBinding Set oBinding = GetBinding(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) Select Case(szEnable) case "True" oBinding.Enabled = True oBinding.Save wscript.echo "Success: Sink Binding Enabled" case "False" oBinding.Enabled = False oBinding.Save wscript.echo "Success: Sink Binding Disabled" case else Wscript.Echo "Error in SetSinkEnabled Routine: Invalid option." Wscript.Quit End Select end sub ' *********************** ' * GetBindings Function * ' *********************** ' Returns a reference to the SEO binding object für a particular binding ' ' iInstance - The SMTP Virtual Service Instance (> 0) ' szEventName - The Name of the Event (OnArrival, etc.) Function GetBindings(iInstance, szEventName) Dim oSourceType Dim catidEventType Dim oSource Dim GUID_SMTPInstanceSource catidEventType = GetEventTypeCatID(CStr(szEventName)) ' Make sure iInstance is not less than 1. If iInstance < 1 Then WScript.Echo "Invalid SMTP service instance: " & CStr(iInstance) WScript.Quit End If ' Generate Source GUID using SMTP source base GUID and the instance number. ' Do this using the SEO util object's GetIndexedGUID method. GUID_SMTPInstanceSource = oSEOUtil.GetIndexedGUID(GUID_SmtpSvcSourceBase,iInstance) ' Get the binding manager für this source Set oSourceType = oEventManager.SourceTypes(GUID_SMTPSourceType) Set oSource = oSourceType.Sources(GUID_SMTPInstanceSource) If typename(oSource) = "Nothing" Then WScript.Echo "SMTP Virtual Service # " & iInstance & " Source not present...exiting." WScript.Quit(-1) End If Set GetBindings = oSource.GetBindingManager.Bindings(catidEventType) End Function ' *********************** ' * GetBinding Function * ' *********************** ' Returns a reference to the SEO binding object für a particular binding ' ' iInstance - The SMTP Virtual Service Instance (> 0) ' szEventName - The Name of the Event (OnArrival, etc.) ' szDisplayName - The Display Name für the binding. Used to retrieve binding GUID ' if is it not supplied ' szBindingGUID - The GUID für the binding. If not "", this GUID is used. ' Function GetBinding(iInstance, szEventName, szDisplayName,szBindingGUID) Dim oSourceType Dim catidEventType Dim oSource Dim oBindings Dim oBinding Dim GUID_SMTPInstanceSource catidEventType = GetEventTypeCatID(CStr(szEventName)) ' Make sure iInstance is not less than 1. If iInstance < 1 Then WScript.Echo "Invalid SMTP service instance: " & CStr(iInstance) WScript.Quit End If ' Generate Source GUID using SMTP source base GUID and the instance number. ' Do this using the SEO util object's GetIndexedGUID method. GUID_SMTPInstanceSource = oSEOUtil.GetIndexedGUID(GUID_SmtpSvcSourceBase,iInstance) ' Get the binding manager für this source Set oSourceType = oEventManager.SourceTypes(GUID_SMTPSourceType) Set oSource = oSourceType.Sources(GUID_SMTPInstanceSource) If typename(oSource) = "Nothing" Then WScript.Echo "SMTP Virtual Service # " & iInstance & " Source not present...exiting." WScript.Quit(-1) End If Set oBindings = oSource.GetBindingManager.Bindings(catidEventType) If szBindingGUID = "" Then szBindingGUID = GetBindingGUIDFromDisplayName(SzDisplayName, oBindings) End If Set oBinding = oBindings(szBindingGUID) If TypeName(oBinding) = "Nothing" Then WScript.Echo "** ERROR **" WScript.Echo "No binding present für GUID " & szBindingGUID WScript.Quit Else Set GetBinding = oBinding End If End Function ' ' this helper function takes an IEventSource object and a event category ' and dumps all of the bindings für this category under the source ' ' Source - the IEventSource object to display the bindings for ' GUIDComCat - the event category to display the bindings for ' public sub DisplayBindingHelper(oSource, oEventType) Dim Binding Dim PropName Dim Props ' walk each of the registered bindings für this component category dim strSpaces strSpaces = " " für each Binding in oSource.GetBindingManager.Bindings(oEventType.id) wscript.echo " ---------" wscript.echo " | Binding |" Wscript.Echo " ---------" WScript.Echo strSpaces & " Event: " & oEventType.DisplayName WScript.echo strSpaces & " ID: " & Binding.ID WScript.echo strSpaces & " Name: " & Binding.DisplayName WScript.echo strSpaces & " SinkClass: " & Binding.SinkClass WScript.echo strSpaces & " Enabled: " & Binding.Enabled Set Props = Binding.SourceProperties If Props.Count > 0 Then WScript.echo strSpaces & "SourceProperties: {" für each PropName in Props WScript.echo strSpaces & " " & propname & " = " & Binding.SourceProperties(propname) next WScript.echo strSpaces & " }" End If Set Props = Binding.SinkProperties If Props.Count > 0 Then WScript.echo strSpaces & "SinkProperties {" für each Propname in Props WScript.echo strSpaces & " " & PropName & " = " & Props(PropName) next WScript.echo strSpaces & " }" End If next end sub ' ' dumps all of the information in the binding database related to SMTP ' public sub DisplaySinks Dim SourceType Dim Source Dim eventtype On Error Resume Next für Each SourceType in oEventManager.SourceTypes wscript.echo " -------------" Wscript.Echo "| Source Type |" Wscript.Echo " -------------" Wscript.echo " Name: " & SourceType.DisplayName WScript.Echo " ID: " & SourceType.ID für each eventtype in sourcetype.eventtypes wscript.echo " ------------" wscript.echo " | Event Type |" Wscript.Echo " ------------" WScript.Echo " Name: " & eventtype.DisplayName WSCript.Echo " ID: " & eventtype.ID next für each Source in SourceType.Sources ' display the source properties wscript.echo " --------" wscript.echo " | Source |" Wscript.Echo " --------" WScript.echo " Name: " & Source.DisplayName WScript.echo " ID: " & Source.ID für each eventtype in sourcetype.eventtypes call DisplayBindingHelper(Source, eventtype) next next Next end sub ' ************************ ' * SetDisplayNameOrGUID * ' ************************ ' Examines the arguments to determine whether a GUID ' or a display name was passed. All GUIDs must be passed in the form ' "{871736C0-FD85-11D0-869A-00C04FD65616}" ' and display names must not start with a left-bracket "{" ' Sub SetDisplayNameOrGUID(ByRef szArg, ByRef szDisplayName, ByRef szBindingGUID) ' check für left bracked used für a GUID If (InStr(1,szArg, "{", 1) = 1) Then WScript.Echo "Binding GUID specified: " & szArg szBindingGUID = szArg szDisplayName = "" Else WScript.Echo "Binding Display Name Specified: " & szArg szBindingGUID = "" szDisplayName = szArg End If End Sub ' ********************************* ' * GetBindingGUIDFromDisplayName * ' ********************************* ' Attempts to return the binding GUID für a binding ' based upon the binding display name ' ' szDisplayName - [in] The display name für the binding ' oBindings - [in] The SEO EventBindings Object ' ' Returns ' If successful, returns the binding GUID für the binding. ' The first matched display name is used. That is, if multiple bindings ' have the same display name, the first found is used. Function GetBindingGUIDFromDisplayName(SzDisplayName, oBindings) Dim oBinding für each oBinding in oBindings if oBinding.DisplayName = szDisplayName then GetBindingGUIDFromDisplayName = oBinding.ID exit function End If next WScript.Echo "Failed to find binding with display name:" & szDisplayName WScript.Quit End Function ' ******************* ' * ResetSMTPCatIDs * ' ******************* ' - Registers the various COM categories für SMTP transport and protocol ' events. ' - Adds each as an event type to the SMTP Service Source Type ' ' Sub ResetSMTPCatIDs() WScript.Echo "Running ResetSMTPCatIDs...one moment" On Error Resume Next Err.Clear Dim oSourceType Set oSourceType = oEventManager.SourceTypes(GUID_SMTPSourceType) If TypeName(oSourceType) = "Nothing" Then WScript.Echo "** ERROR **" Wscript.Echo "No SMTP Source Type registered." WScript.Echo "Is the SMTP Service installed on this machine?" WScript.Quit End If oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpStoreDriver, "SMTP StoreDriver", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpStoreDriver oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnTransportSubmission, "SMTP OnTransportSubmission/OnArrival", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnTransportSubmission oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnPreCategorize, "SMTP OnPreCategorize",0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnPreCategorize oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnCategorize, "SMTP OnCategorize",0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnCategorize oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnPostCategorize, "SMTP OnPostCategorize",0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnPostCategorize oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnTransportRouter, "SMTP OnTransportRouter",0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnTransportRouter oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpMsgTrackLog, "SMTP MsgTrackLog", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpMsgTrackLog oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpDnsResolver, "SMTP DnsResolver", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpDnsResolver oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpMaxMsgSize, "SMTP MaxMsgSize", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpMaxMsgSize oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnInBoundCommand, "SMTP OnInBoundCommand", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnInBoundCommand oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnServerResponse, "SMTP OnServerResponse", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnServerResponse oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnSessionStart, "SMTP OnSessionStart", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnSessionStart oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnMessageStart, "SMTP OnMessageStart", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnMessageStart oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnPerRecipient, "SMTP OnPerRecipient", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnPerRecipient oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnBeforeData, "SMTP OnBeforeData", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnBeforeData oComCatMan.RegisterCategory catidSmtpOnSessionEnd, "SMTP OnSessionEnd", 0 oSourceType.EventTypes.Add catidSmtpOnSessionEnd If Err.Number <> 0 Then WScript.Echo "** ERROR ** " Wscript.Echo "Error registering COM categories" WScript.Echo Err.Number WScript.Echo Err.Description Wscript.Echo "Make sure the SMTP Service is installed on the machine" WScript.Quit End If ' Remove the duplicate, redundant SMTP SourceType Const GUID_ExtraSMTPSourceType = "{4f803d90-fd85-11d0-869a-00c04fd65616}" EVentManager.SourceTypes.Remove(GUID_ExtraSMTPSourceType) End Sub ' ********************** ' * Main Routine Start * ' ********************** Dim iInstance Dim szEvent Dim szDisplayName Dim szSinkClass Dim szRule Dim szPrio Dim szBindingGUID Dim szPropertyBag Dim szPropertyName Dim szPropertyValue dim bCheck Dim ArgCount ' ' this is the main body of our script. it reads the command line parameters ' specified and then calls the appropriate function to perform the operation ' if WScript.Arguments.Count = 0 then call DisplayUsage else ArgCount = WScript.Arguments.Count Select Case LCase(WScript.Arguments(0)) Case "/?" DisplayUsage Case "/add" if not ArgCount = 6 and not ArgCount = 7 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) szSinkClass = WScript.Arguments(4) szRule = WScript.Arguments(5) If ArgCount = 7 Then szPrio = WScript.Arguments(6) Else szPrio = "" End If call RegisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szSinkClass, szRule, szPrio) end if Case "/remove" if not ArgCount = 4 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) call unregisterSink(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) end if Case "/setprop" if not ArgCount = 7 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4) szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5) szPropertyValue = WScript.Arguments(6) call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szPropertyBag, "add", szPropertyName, szPropertyValue) end if Case "/delprop" if not ArgCount = 6 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) szPropertyBag = WScript.Arguments(4) szPropertyName = WScript.Arguments(5) call EditProperty(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, szPropertyBag, "remove", szPropertyName, "") end if Case "/enable" if not ArgCount = 4 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, "True") end if Case "/disable" if not ArgCount = 4 then call DisplayUsage else iInstance = WScript.Arguments(1) szEvent = WScript.Arguments(2) Call SetDisplayNameOrGUID(WScript.Arguments(3), szDisplayName, szBindingGUID) call SetSinkEnabled(iInstance, szEvent, szDisplayName, szBindingGUID, "False") end if Case "/enum" if not ArgCount = 1 then call DisplayUsage else call DisplaySinks end if Case "/resetcatids" call ResetSMTPCatIDs Case Else call DisplayUsage End Select end if