#end2endpathping # # Simple Script to to a regular ICMP-paket and measure the roundtrip. # Check intermediate Hops, if roudntrip fails # Output to CSV-File # # Version 1 war eine VBScript-Variante # Ver 2.1 mit CSV-Ausgabe # ver 2.2 Rename to "PathPing" param ( # $target="avedge.netatwork.de" , # $hoplist=("","","") , $target="internetbeacon.msedge.net", # samples google = SfBOnlineEdge =, outlook.office365.com, internetbeacon.msedge.net $hoplist=("","","","","") , $buffersize = 160, $timeout=1000, $sleeptime = 500, $csvfilename = ".\end2end-pathping.csv" ) write-host "end2end-pathping:START" write-host "end2end-pathping:csvfilename $($csvfilename)" write-host "end2end-pathping:Initialize ICMP Object" $ping = new-object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping write-host "end2end-pathping:Initialize Buffer Size:"$buffersize $enc = [system.Text.Encoding]::ASCII $buffer = $enc.GetBytes([string]("").padright([int]($buffersize),"x")) write-host "end2end-pathping:Pinging target:"$target $min=99999; $max=0 ; $avg=0 ;$total=0 $start=get-date $result = "" | select datetime,target,status while ($true) { if ((get-date).second -ne $start.second) { # start only, if second is new $start = get-date write-host "min $min max: $max avg: "($avg/10)" TotalByes/Sec: "$total"`n"(get-date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss) -nonewline $result | export-csv $csvfilename -append -notypeinformation $min=99999; $max=0 ; $avg=0 ;$total=0 } $pingresult= $ping.send($target,$timeout,$buffer) $total+=$buffersize if ($pingresult.Status.tostring() -eq "Success") { write-host "." -nonewline #write-progress -Activity "ICMP" -Percentcomplete ($pingresult.roundtriptime/10) -Status $pingresult.roundtriptime if ($pingresult.roundtriptime -le $min) {$min = $pingresult.roundtriptime} if ($pingresult.roundtriptime -ge $max) {$max = $pingresult.roundtriptime} $avg+=$pingresult.roundtriptime } elseif ($pingresult.Status.tostring() -eq "TimedOut") { write-host "TIMEOUT, checking Hops" $now=(get-date -Format yyyyMMddhhmmss) $result.datetime = $now $result.target = $target $result.status = "Timeout" $result | export-csv $csvfilename -append -notypeinformation write-host "$now $target timeout" foreach ($hop in $hoplist) { $pingresult= $ping.send($hop,5000,$buffer) $result.datetime = $now $result.hop = $hop $result.status = $pingresult.roundtriptime $result | export-csv $csvfilename -append -notypeinformation write-host "$now $hop " $pingresult.roundtriptime } } else { write-host $pingresult.Status -nonewline } $waittime = $sleeptime - ((get-date) - $start).totalmilliseconds if ($waittime -ge 0) {start-sleep -milliseconds $waittime } } write-host "end2end-pathping:Closing CSV-File" write-host "end2end-pathping:END"