Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' subversionacl ' ' Description: ' ' Modifies an authorization.conf fro Apache to control subversion access ' Simply Updates the "[group]" section ' Permissions on svn path are untouched ' ' Runtime error are not controlled. So check, if the script runs correctly ' The script uses the permission of the calling User. Make sure that you have enough permissions ' ' (c)2006 Net at Work GmbH ' ' subversionacl autfilename groupdn groupdn groupdn groupdn .... ' Parameter 1 path and name of the authorization file ' Parameter 2..n groupname. can be dn or NT4 Style domain\groupname ' ' Version 1.0 (04. Feb 2005) ' + initial version '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' -------------------------------------------------------------- ' You have to enther your values here !!! ' -------------------------------------------------------------- Const ForReading = 1 Const ForWriting = 2 Const ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC = 3 Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4 = 3 Const ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779 = 1 Dim strauthorization, strauthorizationfilename, strgroupdn, strNTName dim strOutFilePrefix, count, fso, fsoTextStream, objgroup, objUser, objMember, objTrans dim strmemberlist call ForceCScript ' must be rund with CSCRIPT ' ----- Initialisierung der Debugging und Loggingoptionen strOutFilePrefix = "grp2exinet-" & makefilename(Date() & "-" & Time()) ' complete file name für debug file dim objDebug set objdebug = new DebugWriter objDebug.target = "file:5 console:5 noie:0 noeventlog:0" ' errorlogging 0=only output, 1=Error 2=Warning 3=information 5++ =debug objDebug.outFile = WScript.ScriptName & "-" & Date() & "-" & Time() & ".log" objDebug.start objDebug.writeln "grp2exinet: Started", 0 strauthorization = "" strauthorizationfilename = "" ' parse commandline ' If (WScript.Arguments.length < 2 ) Then objDebug.writeln "commandlineerror:Please specify at minimum one group or User", 1 WScript.quit(1) End If strauthorizationfilename = WScript.Arguments(0) objDebug.writeln "Filename:" & strauthorizationfilename , 3 ' read existing authorization file Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set fsoTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(strauthorizationfilename, ForReading) strauthorization = fsoTextStream.Readall fsoTextStream.Close '~ objDebug.writeln "Alt:" & strauthorization , 3 Set objTrans = CreateObject("NameTranslate") objTrans.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_GC, "" ' Initialize NameTranslate by locating the Global Catalog. for count = 1 to WScript.Arguments.length - 1 strgroupdn = WScript.Arguments(count) objDebug.writeln "Processing Group:" & strgroupdn, 3 if instr(strgroupdn,"cn") = 0 then objDebug.writeln "Convert NT4-Style top DN", 3 objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, replace(strgroupdn,"/","\") strgroupdn = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779) ' use the Get method to retrieve the RPC 1779 Distinguished Name. objDebug.writeln "got:" & strgroupdn , 3 end if objDebug.writeln "Bind Group: " & strgroupdn , 3 Set objGroup = GetObject ("LDAP://"& strgroupdn) if isobject(objgroup) then strmemberlist = "" Wscript.Echo vartype(objGroup.Member) For each objMember in objGroup.Member objDebug.writeln "Reading Members" , 3 objTrans.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779, objMember strNTName = objTrans.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4) ' use the Get method to retrieve the NT Name. objDebug.writeln "Nametranslate: " & objMember & " -> " & strNTName , 4 objDebug.writeln "Adding User:" & lcase(strNTName),4 strmemberlist = strmemberlist & lcase(strNTName) & ", " Next if right(strmemberlist,2) = ", " then ' Strip last comma strmemberlist = left(strmemberlist,len(strmemberlist)-1) end if objDebug.writeln "Updating INI-Section" , 3 strauthorization = UpdateINIString("groups", lcase(objgroup.samaccountname), strmemberlist, strauthorization) else objDebug.writeln "Unable to bind group" , 1 end if next ' write Updates authorization file objDebug.writeln "Writing file back to disk" , 3 Set fsoTextStream = fso.OpenTextFile(strauthorizationfilename, ForWriting) fsoTextStream.Write strauthorization fsoTextStream.Close objDebug.writeln "Done- Quitting" , 3 wscript.quit(0) sub ForceCScript If InStr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' Prüfung ob mit CSCRIPT gestartet wurde wscript.echo "Bitte mit CSCRIPT aufrufen" wscript.quit (255) end if end sub class debugwriter ' Generic Class für writing debugging information private objIE, file, fs, debugfilename, status, strline private debuglevelIE , debuglevelfile, debugleveleventlog, debuglevelConsole private Sub Class_Initialize status = "active" : strline = "" : debugfilename = "" debuglevelIE = -1 debuglevelfile = -1 debugleveleventlog = -1 debuglevelConsole = -1 End Sub private Sub Class_Terminate() if isobject(OBJIE) then objie.document.write "" end if if debugfilename <> "" then file.Close end if End Sub public sub start : status = "active": end sub public sub pause : status = "pause" : end sub public property let outfile(wert) if debugfilename <> "" then 'Close existing debug file file.close : file = nothing : fs = nothing end if debugfilename = wert ' open debug file Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fs.OpenTextFile(makefilename(debugfilename), 8, True) end property public property let setie (wert) : set objIE = wert : objie.visible = true end property public property let target (wert) dim arrTemp, intcount arrTemp = split(wert," ") ' spit by space for intcount = 0 to ubound(arrTemp) select case lcase(split(arrtemp(intcount),":")(0)) case "ie" debuglevelIE = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "file" debuglevelfile = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "eventlog" debugleveleventlog = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "console" debuglevelConsole = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) end select next end property sub write(strMessage) strline = strline & strMessage end sub Sub writeln(strMessage, intseverity) 'Fügt einen Eintrag in die Log-Datei ein strMessage = strline & strMessage if (status = "active") Then if (debuglevelfile >= intseverity) and (debugfilename <> "") then file.Write(Now & ",") Select Case intseverity Case 0 file.Write("Out0") Case 1 file.Write("Err1") Case 2 file.Write("Wrn2") Case 3 file.Write("Inf3") Case Else file.Write("Dbg"&intseverity) End Select file.WriteLine("," & Convert2Text(strMessage)) end if if debugleveleventlog >=intSeverity then dim objWSHShell Set objWSHShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Select Case intseverity Case 0 objWSHShell.LogEvent 0, strMessage ' Const EVENT_SUCCESS = 0 Case 1 objWSHShell.LogEvent 1, strMessage ' const EVENT_ERROR = 1 Case 2 objWSHShell.LogEvent 2, strMessage ' Const EVENT_WARNING = 2 Case else objWSHShell.LogEvent 4, strMessage ' Const EVENT_INFO = 4 End Select end if if debuglevelconsole >=intSeverity then Select Case intseverity Case 0 wscript.echo now() & ",OUT0:" & strMessage Case 1 wscript.echo now() & ",ERR1:" & strMessage Case 2 wscript.echo now() & ",WRN2:" & strMessage Case 3 wscript.echo now() & ",INF3:" & strMessage Case Else wscript.echo now() & ",DBG" & intseverity & ":" & strMessage End Select end if if debuglevelie >=intSeverity then dim strieline if not isobject(objIE) then Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.navigate("about:blank") objIE.visible = true Do While objIE.Busy WScript.Sleep 50 Loop objIE.document.write "DebugWriter Output" objIE.document.write "
" end if strieline = "" Select Case intseverity Case 0 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 1 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 2 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 3 strieline = strieLine & "" Case Else strieline = strieLine & "" End Select strieline = strieline & "" objIE.document.write cstr(strieline) end if '~ if (instr(DebugTarget,"mom") <>0) then '~ scriptContext.echo now() &","& intseverity &":"& strline & strMessage '~ end if end if ' if status = active strline = "" End Sub private function makefilename(wert) ' Converts all invalid characters to valid file names wert = replace(wert,"\","-") wert = replace(wert,"/","-") wert = replace(wert,":","-") wert = replace(wert,"*","-") wert = replace(wert,"?","-") wert = replace(wert,"<","-") wert = replace(wert,"|","-") wert = replace(wert,"""","-") makefilename = wert end function private function Convert2Text(wert) ' Converts non printable characters to "X" , so that Textfile is working dim loopcount, tempwert, inttest tempwert="" for loopcount = 1 to len(wert) ' replace all unprintable characters maybe easier and faster with RegEx tempwert = tempwert & chr(ascb(mid(wert,loopcount,1))) next Convert2Text = tempwert end function end class function UpdateINIString(Section, KeyName, Value,INIContents) Dim PosSection, PosEndSection 'Get contents of the INI file As a string 'Find section PosSection = InStr(1, INIContents, "[" & Section & "]", vbTextCompare) If PosSection>0 Then 'Section exists. Find end of section PosEndSection = InStr(PosSection, INIContents, vbCrLf & "[") '?Is this last section? If PosEndSection = 0 Then PosEndSection = Len(INIContents)+1 'Separate section contents Dim OldsContents, NewsContents, Line Dim sKeyName, Found OldsContents = Mid(INIContents, PosSection, PosEndSection - PosSection) OldsContents = split(OldsContents, vbCrLf) 'Temp variable To find a Key sKeyName = LCase(KeyName & "=") 'Enumerate section lines für Each Line In OldsContents If LCase(Left(Line, Len(sKeyName))) = sKeyName Then Line = KeyName & "=" & Value Found = True End If NewsContents = NewsContents & Line & vbCrLf Next If isempty(Found) Then 'key Not found - add it at the end of section NewsContents = NewsContents & KeyName & "=" & Value Else 'remove last vbCrLf - the vbCrLf is at PosEndSection NewsContents = Left(NewsContents, Len(NewsContents) - 2) End If 'Combine pre-section, new section And post-section data. INIContents = Left(INIContents, PosSection-1) & _ NewsContents & Mid(INIContents, PosEndSection) else'if PosSection>0 Then 'Section Not found. Add section data at the end of file contents. If Right(INIContents, 2) <> vbCrLf And Len(INIContents)>0 Then INIContents = INIContents & vbCrLf End If INIContents = INIContents & "[" & Section & "]" & vbCrLf & _ KeyName & "=" & Value end if'if PosSection>0 Then UpdateINIString = INIContents End function function makefilename(byVal wert) ' Converts all invalid characters to valid file names wert = replace(wert,"\","-") wert = replace(wert,"/","-") wert = replace(wert,":","-") wert = replace(wert,"*","-") wert = replace(wert,"?","-") wert = replace(wert,"<","-") wert = replace(wert,"|","-") wert = replace(wert,"""","-") makefilename = wert end function
" & now () & "Out0Err1Wrn2Inf3Dbg"&intseverity&"" & strmessage & "