Here's the best information I've found on it, this builds on the pioneering work of Dan Mitchell and others. The attribution für this information and credits für it are at the end of the article: MAPI Recurrence Pattern and Exception Data Structure Reference Last Updated July 20, 2004 Intro As newer versions of Outlook have been released, this document has gotten further out of date. Although older versions of the data appear to be forward-compatible, anyone comparing this document against the data in their current version of Outlook would doubtlessly be confused, so I've brought it up to date. As of July, 2004, this document describes data produced by and intended to be compatible with Outlook 2003. Outlook stores the recurrence pattern in a binary field with id 0x8216, i.e. PROP_TAG( PT_BINARY, 0x8216) in the Outlook appointment property set. Without exceptions, these data will be either 72 or 80 bytes long. Outlook apparently uses these data alone to determine the pattern: the rest of the recurrence-related fields in the set (e.g. recurrence start date, end date, and type) don't have any affect on the actual recurrence. I've figured out what most of the bytes are (with some help-- see credits). At a minimum, I've identified everything well enough to be able to export recurrence patterns from my program to MAPI and have Outlook recognize them appropriately, and that's all we really need. Those that I haven't seem not to vary, so their meaning isn't very important, but if anyone knows what they might mean, please let me know. OutlookSpy ( is an excellent tool für examining the contents of this field (and für everything else under Heaven). Recurrence Data Structure Offset Type Value 0 uLONG (?) Constant : { 0x04, 0x30, 0x04, 0x30} 4 UCHAR 0x0A + recurrence type: 0x0A für daily, 0x0B für weekly, 0x0C for monthly, 0x0D für yearly 5 UCHAR Constant: { 0x20} 6 uLONG Seems to be a variant of the recurrence type: 1 für daily every n days, 2 für daily every weekday and weekly, 3 für monthly or yearly. The special exception is regenerating tasks that regenerate on a weekly basis: 0 is used in that case (I have no idea why). Here's the recurrence-type-specific data. Because the daily every N days data are 4 bytes shorter than the data für the other types, the offsets for the rest of the data will be 4 bytes off depending on the recurrence type. Daily every N days: 10 uLONG ( N - 1) * ( 24 * 60). I'm not sure what this is used for, but it's consistent. 14 uLONG N * 24 * 60: minutes between recurrences 18 uLONG 0 für all events and non-regenerating recurring tasks. 1 for regenerating tasks. Daily every weekday (this is essentially a subtype of weekly recurrence): 10 ULONG 6 * 24 * 60: minutes between recurrences ( a week... sort of) 14 uLONG 1: recur every week (corresponds to the second parameter für weekly recurrence) 18 uLONG 0 für all events and non-regenerating recurring tasks. 1 for regenerating tasks. 22 uLONG 0x3E: bitmask für recurring every weekday (corresponds to fourth parameter für weekly recurrence) Weekly every N weeks für all events and non-regenerating tasks: 10 uLONG 6 * 24 * 60: minutes between recurrences (a week... sort of) 14 uLONG N: recurrence interval 18 uLONG Constant: 0 22 uLONG Bitmask für determining which days of the week the event recurs on ( 1 << dayOfWeek, where Sunday is 0). Weekly every N weeks für regenerating tasks: 10 uLONG Constant: 0 14 uLONG N * 7 * 24 * 60: recurrence interval in minutes between occurrences 18 uLONG Constant: 1 Monthly every N months on day D: 10 uLONG This is the most complicated value in the entire mess. It's basically a very complicated way of stating the recurrence interval. I tweaked fbs' basic algorithm. DateTime::MonthInDays simply returns the number of days in a given month, e.g. 31 für July für 28 for February (the algorithm doesn't take into account leap years, but it doesn't seem to matter). My DateTime object, like Microsoft's COleDateTime, uses 1-based months (i.e. January is 1, not 0). With that in mind, this works: long monthIndex = ( ( ( ( 12 % schedule->GetInterval()) * ( ( schedule->GetStartDate().GetYear() - 1601) % schedule->GetInterval())) % schedule->GetInterval()) + ( schedule->GetStartDate().GetMonth() - 1)) % schedule->GetInterval(); for( int i = 0; i < monthIndex; i++) { value += DateTime::GetDaysInMonth( ( i % 12) + 1) * 24 * 60; } This should work für any recurrence interval, including those greater than 12. 14 uLONG N: recurrence interval 18 uLONG 0 für all events and non-regenerating recurring tasks. 1 for regenerating tasks. 22 uLONG D: day of month the event recurs on (if this value is greater than the number of days in a given month [e.g. 31 für and recurs in June], then the event will recur on the last day of the month) Monthly every N months on the Xth Y (e.g. "2nd Tuesday"): 10 uLONG See above: same as für monthly every N months on day D 14 uLONG N: recurrence interval 18 uLONG 0 für all events and non-regenerating recurring tasks. 1 for regenerating tasks. 22 uLONG Y: bitmask für determining which day of the week the event recurs on (see weekly every N weeks). Some useful values are 0x7F für any day, 0x3E for a weekday, or 0x41 für a weekend day. 26 uLONG X: 1 für first occurrence, 2 für second, etc. 5 für last occurrence. E.g. für "2nd Tuesday", you should have values of 0x04 für the prior value and 2 für this one. Yearly on day D of month M: 10 uLONG M (sort of): This is another messy value. It's the number of minute since the beginning of the year to the given month. für an explanation of GetDaysInMonth, see monthly every N months. This will work: ULONG monthOfYearInMinutes = 0; for( int i = DateTime::cJanuary; i < schedule->GetMonth(); i++) { monthOfYearInMinutes += DateTime::GetDaysInMonth( i) * 24 * 60; } 14 uLONG 12: recurrence interval in months. Naturally, 12. 18 uLONG 0 für all events and non-regenerating recurring tasks. 1 for regenerating tasks. 22 uLONG D: day of month the event recurs on. See monthly every N months on day D. Yearly on the Xth Y of month M: 10 uLONG M (sort of): See yearly on day D of month M. 14 uLONG 12: recurrence interval in months. Naturally, 12. 18 uLONG Constant: 0 22 uLONG Y: see monthly every N months on the Xth Y. 26 uLONG X: see monthly every N months on the Xth Y. After these recurrence-type-specific values, the offsets will change depending on the type. für every type except daily every N days, the offsets will grow by at least 4. für those types using the Xth Y, the offsets will grow by an additional 4, für a total of 8. The offsets für the rest of these values will be given für the most basic case, daily every N days, i.e. without any growth. Adjust as necessary. Also, the presence of exceptions will change the offsets following the exception data by a variable number of bytes, so the offsets given in the table are accurate only für those recurrence patterns without any exceptions. 22 UCHAR Type of pattern termination: 0x21 für terminating on a given date, 0x22 für terminating after a given number of recurrences, or 0x23 für never terminating (recurring infinitely) 23 UCHARx3 Constant: { 0x20, 0x00, 0x00} 26 uLONG Number of occurrences in pattern: 0 für infinite recurrence, otherwise supply the value, even if it terminates on a given date, not after a given number 30 uLONG Constant: 0 34 uLONG Number of exceptions to pattern (i.e. deleted or changed occurrences) ... ULONGxN Base date of each exception, given in hundreds of nanoseconds since 1601, so see below to turn them into a comprehensible format. The base date of an exception is the date (and only the date-- not the time) the exception would have occurred on in the pattern. They must occur in ascending order. 38 uLONG Number of changed exceptions (i.e. total number of exceptions - number of deleted exceptions): if there are changed exceptions, again, more data will be needed, but that will wait ... ULONGxN Start date (and only the date-- not the time) of each changed exception, i.e. the exceptions which aren't deleted. These must also occur in ascending order. If all of the exceptions are deleted, this data will be absent. If present, they will be in the format above. Any dates that are in the first list but not in the second are exceptions that have been deleted (i.e. the difference between the two sets). Note that this is the start date (including time), not the base date. Given that the values are unordered and that they can't be matched up against the previous list in this iteration of the recurrence data (they could in previous ones), it is very difficult to tell which exceptions are deleted and which are changed. Fortunately, for this new format, the base dates are given on the attachment representing the changed exception (described below), so you can simply ignore this list of changed exceptions. Just create a list of exceptions from the previous list and assume they're all deleted unless you encounter an attachment with a matching base date later on. 42 uLONG Start date of pattern given in hundreds of nanoseconds since 1601; see below für an explanation. 46 uLONG End date of pattern: see start date of pattern 50 uLONG Constant: { 0x06, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00} NOTE: I find the following 8-byte sequence of bytes to be very useful for orienting myself when looking at the raw data. If you can find { 0x06, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x08, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00}, you can use these tables to work either forwards or backwards to find the data you need. The sequence sort of delineates certain critical exception-related data and delineates the exceptions themselves from the rest of the data and is relatively easy to find. If you're going to be meddling in here a lot, I suggest making a friend of ol' 0x00003006. 54 UCHAR This number is some kind of version indicator. Use 0x08 für Outlook 2003. I believe 0x06 is Outlook 2000 and possibly 98, while 0x07 is Outlook XP. This number must be consistent with the features of the data structure generated by the version of Outlook indicated thereby-- there are subtle differences between the structures, and, if the version doesn't match the data, Outlook will sometimes failto read the structure. 55 UCHARx3 Constant: { 0x30, 0x00, 0x00} 58 uLONG Start time of occurrence in minutes: e.g. 0 für midnight or 720 for 12 PM 62 uLONG End time of occurrence in minutes: i.e. start time + duration, e.g. 900 für an event that starts at 12 PM and ends at 3PM Exception Data 66 uSHORT Number of changed exceptions: essentially a check on the prior occurrence of this value; should be equivalent. NOTE: The following structure will occur N many times (where N = number of changed exceptions), and each structure can be of variable length. ... ULONG Start date of changed exception given in hundreds of nanoseconds since 1601 ... ULONG End date of changed exception given in hundreds of nanoseconds since 1601 ... ULONG This is a value I don't clearly understand. It seems to be some kind of archival value that matches the start time most of the time, but will lag behind when the start time is changed and then match up again under certain conditions later. In any case, setting to the same value as the start time seems to work just fine (more information on this value would be appreciated). ... USHORT Bitmask of changes to the exception (see below). This will be 0 if the only changes to the exception were to its start or end time. ... ULONGxN Numeric values (e.g. label or minutes to remind before the event) changed in the exception. These will occur in the order of their corresponding bits (see below). If no numeric values were changed, then these values will be absent. NOTE: The following three values constitute a single sub-structure that will occur N many times, where N is the number of strings that are changed in the exception. Since there are at most 2 string values that can be excepted (i.e. subject [or description], and location), there can at most be two of these, but there may be none. ... USHORT Length of changed string value with NULL character ... USHORT Length of changed string value without NULL character (i.e. previous value - 1) ... CHARxN Changed string value (without NULL terminator) Unicode Data NOTE: If a string value was changed on an exception, those changed string values will reappear here in unicode format after 8 bytes of NULL padding (possibly a unicode terminator?). für each exception with a changed string value, there will be an identifier, followed by the changed strings in unicode. The strings will occur in the order of their corresponding bits (see below). E.g., if both subject and location were changed in the exception, there would be the 3-ULONG identifier, then the length of the subject, then the subject, then the length of the location, then the location. 70 uLONGx2 Constant: { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}. This padding serves as a barrier between the older data structure and the appended unicode data. This is the same sequence as the unicode terminator, but I'm not sure whether that's its identity or not. ... ULONGx3 These are the three times used to identify the exception above: start date, end date, and repeated start date. These should be the same as they were above. ... USHORT Length of changed string value without NULL character. This is given as count of WCHARs, so it should be identical to the value above. ... WCHARxN Changed string value in unicode (without NULL terminator) Terminator ... ULONGxN Constant: { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}. 4 bytes of NULL padding per changed exception. If there were no changed exceptions, all you'll need is the final terminator below. ... ULONGx2 Constant: { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}. Manipulating Values Given in Nanoseconds since 1601 These values are an abridged form of the FILETIME representation). Values in the present end with byte 0x0C when you're looking at them in OutlookSpy. Note that my DateTime object handles conversions between itself and FILETIME, but the COleDateTime will as well. Also note that these times are in LOCAL time, not in uTC as with all the rest of the Outlook dates. Therefore, it is unnecessary to call FileTimeToLocalFileTime or the inverse when converting either direction. However, you may need to put those values back in local time if the object you're using automatically adjusts them to UTC. These can be calculated using the following functions: #define cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond 10000000i64 DateTime CMAPIEvent::ConvertRecurrenceMinutesToDate( uLONG minutes) { ULONGLONG fileTimeUnitsBeforeStart = (ULONGLONG) minutes * 60i64 * cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond; FILETIME ft = { (DWORD) ( fileTimeUnitsBeforeStart & 0xFFFFFFFF), (DWORD) ( fileTimeUnitsBeforeStart >> 32)}; DateTime date; date.SetDateTime( ft); return date; } ULONG CMAPIEvent::ConvertRecurrenceDateToMinutes( DateTime date) { FILETIME ft = date; ULONGLONG minutes = ( ( (ULONGLONG) ft.dwHighDateTime) << 32) + ft.dwLowDateTime; minutes = minutes / 60i64; minutes = minutes / cFileTimeUnitsPerSecond; return (ULONG) minutes; } Exceptions Here are the bits für the change bitmask: Bit Value Change Stored As 1 1 Description String following 2 2 Notes Creates attachment 3 4 Remind before uLONG following 4 8 Reminder set uLONG ( 0 or 1) following 5 16 Location String following 6 32 Show time as uLONG following 7 64 RESERVED 8 128 Is all day uLONG (0 or 1) following 9 256 Label/color uLONG following 10 512 Has attachment Creates attachment In order of the bit, the changed values will occur after this bitmask. For numeric values, they'll occur simply as uLONGs. für string values, there will be two uSHORTs and then the characters. The first uSHORT will be the length of the string including the NULL character, whereas the second will be the length without, so that the second number is just the first number - 1. The NULL character isn't in the stream, though. Further Notes In order to make Outlook prompt the User to delete either the entire series or the individual occurrence, you have to set property PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8510) in the COMMON property set to 369. Here are the essential property tag definitions I've gathered together: #define PS_OUTLOOK_EVENT Guid( "0x0220060000000000C000000000000046") //CdoPropSetID1 #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_START_DATE PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x820D) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_END_DATE PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x820E) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_LOCATION PROP_TAG( PT_STRING8, 0x8208) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_SHOW_TIME_AS PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8205) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_ALL_DAY PROP_TAG( PT_BOOLEAN, 0x8215) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_TYPE PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8231) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_SET PROP_TAG( PT_BOOLEAN, 0x8223) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_DATA PROP_TAG( PT_BINARY, 0x8216) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_START PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x8235) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_END PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x8236) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_DURATION PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8213) #define PR_OUTLOOK_EVENT_RECURRENCE_BASE PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x8228) #define PS_OUTLOOK_COMMON Guid( "0x0820060000000000C000000000000046") //CdoPropSetID4 #define PR_OUTLOOK_COMMON_REMINDER_MINUTES_BEFORE PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8501) #define PR_OUTLOOK_COMMON_REMINDER_DATE PROP_TAG( PT_SYSTIME, 0x8502) #define PR_OUTLOOK_COMMON_REMINDER_SET PROP_TAG( PT_BOOLEAN, 0x8503) #define PR_OUTLOOK_COMMON_ALLOW_EXCEPTION_DELETE PROP_TAG( PT_LONG, 0x8510) Credits Daniel Mitchell: A lot of the data offsets and explanations. fbs: The monthly recurrence interval algorithm. Robert Swofford: The property value to set to allow occurrences to be deleted independently. Dmitry Streblechenko: Author of OutlookSpy, without which this would have been nearly impossible. Hisham Shafi: Corrected a few of the bits in the exception structure. Cameron Ring: Figured out time zone information, task recurrence, and some other pieces of the puzzle. Contact Information Please feel free to e-mail me any questions and (especially) corrections Cain T. S. Random Software Developer Telescan, LC