Option Explicit '------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' GetLocality ' ' Beschreibung ' Das Programm exportiert alle "ORT"-Felder und fasst diese in einem dictionary Objekct zur Ausgabe zusammen ' (c)2006 Net at Work Netzwerksysteme GmbH ' ' Version 1.0 (03 Mrz 2006) Frank Carius Dim xmlwriter, strGCPath Dim oConnection, oCommand, oRecordset Dim strTemp, strQuery, strObjectClass, strOutFilePrefix Dim dictlocality, strLocality Dim total strOutFilePrefix = makefilename("GetLocality-" & Date() & "-" & Time()) ' Pfad und Dateiname der Log-Datei dim objDebug set objdebug = new DebugWriter objDebug.target = "file:6 console:4" ' errorlogging 0=only output, 1=Error 2=Warning 3=information 5++ =debug objDebug.outFile = strOutFilePrefix &".log" objDebug.start call ForceCScript ' must be rund with CSCRIPT '~ call abbruch ("Script fortsetzen ?" ,5) ' Last question to stop objDebug.writeln "GetLocality: gestartet", 0 set xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter call writexslt("GetLocality.xsl") ' Stylesheet schreiben xmlWriter.filename = strOutFilePrefix & ".xml" xmlWriter.Indentation = 4 call xmlWriter.WriteStylesheet("GetLocality.xsl") call xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("GetLocality") call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("starttime", now()) objDebug.writeln "Looking für GC",5 dim oCont, oGC Set oCont = GetObject("GC:") For Each oGC In oCont strGCPath = oGC.ADsPath Next objDebug.writeln "strGCPath=" & strGCPath, 3 objDebug.writeln "Querying AD für Objects" & strGCPath,0 Set oConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Set oRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Set oCommand = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") oConnection.Provider = "ADsDSOObject" 'The ADSI OLE-DB provider oConnection.Open "ADs Provider" oCommand.ActiveConnection = oConnection oCommand.Properties("Page Size") = 100 oCommand.CommandText = "<" & strGCPath & ">;" & _ "(|" & _ "(&(objectClass=User)(objectCategory=person))"& _ ");" & _ "distinguishedName,ObjectClass,displayName,l," & _ ";subtree" Set oRecordset = oCommand.Execute objDebug.writeln "Done Total Records found:" & oRecordset.recordcount, 0 call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("starttime2", now()) total = 0 set dictlocality = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") do until oRecordset.EOF objDebug.writeln "Object:" & total & "/" & oRecordset.recordcount &":" & left(oRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName"),20)&"..",3 strObjectClass = lcase(join(oRecordset.Fields("ObjectClass"),",")) total = total + 1 '~ call xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("object") '~ call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("distinguishedName", oRecordset.Fields("distinguishedName")) '~ call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("displayName", oRecordset.Fields("displayName")) strLocality = oRecordset.Fields("l") if strLocality= "" then strLocality = "--EMPTY--" if isnull(strLocality) then strLocality = "--NULL--" strLocality = "!"&strLocality&"!" '~ call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("l", strLocality ) if dictLocality.exists (strLocality) then dictLocality.item(strLocality ) = dictLocality.item(strLocality) + 1 objDebug.writeln "Dict INC:" & strLocality & "-" & dictLocality.item(strLocality),6 else dictLocality.add strLocality, "1" objDebug.writeln "Dict ADD:" & strLocality,6 end if '~ call xmlWriter.WriteEndElement ' of ("object") oRecordset.MoveNext loop objDebug.writeln "Dump Locality",0 call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("starttime3", now()) Dim arrKeys, count arrKeys = dictLocality.keys for count = 0 to dictLocality.count - 1 call xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("locality") call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("name", arrKeys(count)) '~ on error resume next if dictLocality.exists (arrKeys(count)) then call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("count", dictLocality.item(arrKeys(count))) else call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("count", "0") end if call xmlWriter.WriteEndElement ' of ("policy") next call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("total", total) objDebug.writeln "Total objects checked:" & total, 0 call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("endtime", now()) call xmlWriter.WriteEndElement() ' of ("GetLocality") call xmlWriter.Close ' XML schreiben WScript.quit(0) sub writexslt(strfilename) dim txtxsl txtxsl = _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "GetLocality Status" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "

GetLocality Status

" & vbcrlf & _ "


" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "
Start Verarbeitung
Start Dump Locality
# Objects
" & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ "


" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ "


" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "
" & vbcrlf & _ "
" Const ForWriting = 2 dim fs, file Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fs.OpenTextFile(strfilename, ForWriting, True) file.writeline Convert2Text(txtxsl) file.Close end sub ' ================================================== Auxilary procedures and classes ========================== class XMLTextWriter '~ usage in VBScript. Please define StyleSheet and filename first and than start writing the data '~ set xmlWriter = new XmlTextWriter '~ xmlWriter.filename = "filename.xml" '~ xmlWriter.Indentation = 4 '~ call xmlWriter.WriteStylesheet("stylesheet.xsl") '~ call xmlWriter.WriteStartElement("Root") '~ call xmlWriter.WriteElementString("starttime", now()) '~ call xmlWriter.WriteEndElement '~ call xmlWriter.close dim xmlfilename 'stores the filename dim xmldom 'DOM Object dim xmlparent 'currentNode dim xmlroot 'RootNode dim xmlobject 'PArent of currentNode dim intIndentation '~ xmlfile.write "" & vbcrlf private Sub Class_Initialize dim xmldeclaration Set xmlDom = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDom.loadxml "" set xmlobject = xmlDom End Sub private Sub Class_Terminate xmldom.LoadXML getFormattedXML xmldom.save(xmlfilename) End Sub public Property let filename(wert) xmlfilename = wert End Property public Property get filename filename = xmlfilename End Property public Property let Indentation(wert) ' only für Backwards compatibility End Property public Property let Formatting(wert) ' writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented ' Funktioniert nur mit .nEtg ? End Property sub Writestylesheet (item) dim stylePI Set stylePI = xmlDom.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", "type=""text/xsl"" href="""&item & """") xmlDom.appendChild(stylePI) end sub sub WriteStartElement(item) dim xmlobject2 set xmlobject2 = xmlDom.createElement(item) xmlobject.appendchild xmlobject2 set xmlobject = xmlobject2 end sub sub WriteAttributeString(name,value) ' ergänzt eine ID zum aktuellen Element if isnull(value) then value = "" xmlobject.setAttribute name, value end sub sub WriteElementString(item,value) ' add XML tag and Data dim xmldata set xmldata = xmlDom.createElement(item) if isnull(value) then value = "" xmldata.text = value xmlobject.appendchild(xmldata) end sub sub WriteEndElement ' Schliesse den aktuellen Client und gehe ein objekt höher set xmlobject = xmlobject.parentnode end sub sub DeleteEndElement ' Entferne den letzten Client komplett dim xmlobject2 set xmlobject2 = xmlobject set xmlobject = xmlobject.parentnode xmlobject.removechild(xmlobject2) end sub function getXML ' gebe die aktuelle XML-Information unformtiert aus getxml = xmldom.xml end function function LoadXML(strxml) ' ersetze die Information durch eine neue XML-Information xmldom.loadXML(strxml) end function sub Flush() ' Schreibe die aktuelle XML-Struktur als Datei heraus '~ xmldom.LoadXML getFormattedXML ' wenn dsa aktiv wird, ist die XML Datei nicht komplett xmldom.save(xmlfilename) end sub function getFormattedXML ' Gebe die XML-Struktur formatiert und besser lesbar aus dim oStylesheet set oStylesheet = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") oStylesheet.async = False oStylesheet.loadXML ("" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ " " & vbcrlf & _ "" & vbcrlf & _ "") getFormattedXML = xmlDOM.transformNode(oStylesheet) end function sub close() xmldom.LoadXML getFormattedXML xmldom.save(xmlfilename) end sub end class class debugwriter ' Generic Class für writing debugging information and handling runtime errors ' By default al Level 1 Messaegs are logged to the Console private objIE, file, fs, debugfilename, status, strline private debuglevelIE , debuglevelfile, debugleveleventlog, debuglevelConsole private Sub Class_Initialize status = "active" : strline = "" : debugfilename = "" debuglevelIE = 0 debuglevelfile = 0 debugleveleventlog = 0 debuglevelConsole = 1 End Sub private Sub Class_Terminate() if isobject(OBJIE) then objie.document.write "" end if if debugfilename <> "" then file.Close end if End Sub public sub start : status = "active": end sub public sub pause : status = "pause" : end sub public property let outfile(wert) if debugfilename <> "" then 'Close existing debug file file.close : file = nothing : fs = nothing end if debugfilename = wert ' open debug file Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set file = fs.OpenTextFile(makefilename(debugfilename), 8, True) end property public property let setie (wert) : set objIE = wert : objie.visible = true end property public property let target (wert) dim arrTemp, intcount arrTemp = split(wert," ") ' spit by space for intcount = 0 to ubound(arrTemp) select case lcase(split(arrtemp(intcount),":")(0)) case "ie" debuglevelIE = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "file" debuglevelfile = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "eventlog" debugleveleventlog = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) case "console" debuglevelConsole = cint(right(arrtemp(intcount),1)) end select next end property sub write(strMessage) strline = strline & strMessage end sub Sub writeln(strMessage, intseverity) 'Fügt einen Eintrag in die Log-Datei ein dim blnerror strMessage = strline & strMessage ' add existing Output Messages strline = "" if err <> 0 then ' Sonderbehandlung als "ErrorHandler" blnerror = true strmessage= "RUNTIME ERROR :" & strMessage & vbcrlf & _ "ERR.Number :" & err.number & vbcrlf & _ "ERR.Description:" & err.Description & vbcrlf & _ "ERR.Source :" & err.source & vbcrlf & _ "ERR.HelpFile :" & err.HelpFile & vbcrlf & _ "ERR.HelpContext:" & err.HelpContext & vbcrlf err.clear else blnerror = false end if if ((status = "active") or blnerror) then if (debuglevelfile > 0) and ((debuglevelfile >= intseverity) or blnerror) and (debugfilename <> "") then file.Write(Now & ",") Select Case intseverity Case 0 file.Write("Out0") Case 1 file.Write("Err1") Case 2 file.Write("Wrn2") Case 3 file.Write("Inf3") Case Else file.Write("Dbg"&intseverity) End Select file.WriteLine("," & Convert2Text(strMessage)) strline = "" end if if (debugleveleventlog > 0) and ((debugleveleventlog >=intSeverity) or blnerror) then dim objWSHShell Set objWSHShell = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell") Select Case intseverity Case 0 objWSHShell.LogEvent 0, strMessage ' Const EVENT_SUCCESS = 0 Case 1 objWSHShell.LogEvent 1, strMessage ' const EVENT_ERROR = 1 Case 2 objWSHShell.LogEvent 2, strMessage ' Const EVENT_WARNING = 2 Case else objWSHShell.LogEvent 4, strMessage ' Const EVENT_INFO = 4 End Select end if if (debuglevelconsole > 0) and ((debuglevelconsole >=intSeverity) or blnerror) then Select Case intseverity Case 0 wscript.echo now() & ",OUT0:" & strMessage Case 1 wscript.echo now() & ",ERR1:" & strMessage Case 2 wscript.echo now() & ",WRN2:" & strMessage Case 3 wscript.echo now() & ",INF3:" & strMessage Case Else wscript.echo now() & ",DBG" & intseverity & ":" & strMessage End Select end if if (debuglevelie > 0) and ((debuglevelie >= intSeverity) or blnerror) then dim strieline if not isobject(objIE) then Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIE.navigate("about:blank") objIE.visible = true Do While objIE.Busy WScript.Sleep 50 Loop objIE.document.write "DebugWriter Output" objIE.document.write "" end if strieline = "" Select Case intseverity Case 0 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 1 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 2 strieline = strieLine & "" Case 3 strieline = strieLine & "" Case Else strieline = strieLine & "" End Select strieline = strieline & "" objIE.document.write cstr(strieline) end if '~ if (instr(DebugTarget,"mom") <>0) or blnerror then '~ scriptContext.echo now() &","& intseverity &":"& strline & strMessage '~ end if end if ' if status = active strline = "" End Sub private function makefilename(wert) ' Converts all invalid characters to valid file names wert = replace(wert,"\","-") wert = replace(wert,"/","-") wert = replace(wert,":","-") wert = replace(wert,"*","-") wert = replace(wert,"?","-") wert = replace(wert,"<","-") wert = replace(wert,"|","-") wert = replace(wert,"""","-") makefilename = wert end function private function Convert2Text(wert) ' Converts non printable characters to "X" , so that Textfile is working dim loopcount, tempwert, inttest tempwert="" for loopcount = 1 to len(wert) ' replace all unprintable characters maybe easier and faster with RegEx tempwert = tempwert & chr(ascb(mid(wert,loopcount,1))) next Convert2Text = tempwert end function end class Class ValidSMTP ' Generic Class to validate an given SMTP-Address against formal rules (not a real NSLookup etc.) dim SMTPRegEx private Sub Class_Initialize Set SMTPregEx = New RegExp ' von http://www.twilightsoul.com/Default.aspx?tabid=134 '~ SMTPregEx.Pattern = "^((([\t\x20]*[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+[\t\x20]*|" _ '~ & """[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]*"")+"_ '~ & ")?[\t\x20]*<([\t\x20]*[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+"_ '~ & "(\.[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+)*|""[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C"_ '~ & "\x0E-\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]*"")@(([a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*"_ '~ & "[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}|\[(([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|"_ '~ & "2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|"_ '~ & "2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\])>[\t\x20]*|([\t\x20]*"_ '~ & "[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+(\.[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+)*|"_ '~ & """[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C\x0E-\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]*"")@"_ '~ & "(([a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}|"_ '~ & "\[(([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}"_ '~ & "([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\]))$" ' von http://www.twilightsoul.com/Default.aspx?PageContentID=10&tabid=134 SMTPregEx.Pattern = "([\t\x20]*[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+"_ &"(\.[!#-'\*\+\-/-9=\?A-Z\^-~]+)*|""[\x01-\x09\x0B\x0C"_ &"\x0E-\x21\x23-\x5B\x5D-\x7F]*"")@(([a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]*"_ &"[a-zA-Z0-9]\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}|\[(([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|"_ &"2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]?[0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|"_ &"2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\])" SMTPregEx.IgnoreCase = true End Sub private Sub Class_Terminate() : Set SMTPregEx = nothing : End Sub function Test(wert) test = SMTPregEx.test(wert) ' Test is true if Match is found end function end class sub ForceCScript If InStr(1,WScript.FullName,"cscript",vbTextCompare) = 0 Then ' Prüfung ob mit CSCRIPT gestartet wurde wscript.echo "Bitte mit CSCRIPT aufrufen" wscript.quit (255) end if end sub Sub abbruch(info,waittime) ' usage: call abbruch ("Script abbrechen" ,5) dim WshShell, result Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") result = WshShell.Popup("Continue script at position "& vbcrlf & info & vbcrlf & "Waiting "&waittime&" Seconds", waittime, "Stop Script", 33) 'OKCancel(1) + Question (32) If result = 2 Then WScript.echo "Abbruch durch Anwender (Exitcode = 255)" WScript.Quit(255) End If End Sub function Convert2Text(wert) ' Converts non printable characters to "X" , so that Textfile is working dim loopcount, tempwert, inttest tempwert="" for loopcount = 1 to len(wert) ' replace all unprintable characters maybe easier and faster with RegEx '~ inttest = ascw(mid(wert,loopcount,1)) '~ if ((inttest>=32) and (inttest<127)) or (inttest=10) or (inttest=13) or (inttest=9) then '~ tempwert = tempwert & chr(inttest) ' printable Character or CR LF TAB '~ else '~ tempwert = tempwert & "X" '~ end if tempwert = tempwert & chr(ascb(mid(wert,loopcount,1))) next Convert2Text = tempwert end function function makefilename(wert) ' Converts all invalid characters to valid file names wert = replace(wert,"\","-") wert = replace(wert,"/","-") wert = replace(wert,":","-") wert = replace(wert,"*","-") wert = replace(wert,"?","-") wert = replace(wert,"<","-") wert = replace(wert,"|","-") wert = replace(wert,"""","-") makefilename = wert end function Function OctetToGUIDStr (arrbytOctet) ' Function to convert OctetString (byte array) to GUID string. ' based on Code from Richard Mueller, a MS MVP in Scripting and ADSI Dim k,strtemp OctetToGUIDStr = "" For k = 1 To Lenb (arrbytOctet) OctetToGUIDStr = OctetToGUIDStr & Right("0" & Hex(Ascb(Midb(arrbytOctet, k, 1))), 2) Next '~ In FB72F95DB430704983082BB1C79FFB38 '~ Out {5DF972FB-30B4-4970-8308-2BB1C79FFB38} strtemp= "{" strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,7,2) strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,5,2) strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,3,2) strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,1,2) strtemp = strtemp & "-" strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,11,2) strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,9,2) strtemp = strtemp & "-" strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,15,2) strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,13,2) strtemp = strtemp & "-" strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,17,4) strtemp = strtemp & "-" strtemp = strtemp & mid(OctetToGUIDStr,21,12) OctetToGUIDStr = strtemp & "}" End Function
" & now () & "Out0Err1Wrn2Inf3Dbg"&intseverity&"" & strmessage & "