# receive-udp # # Start a UDP-Listener on a given Ip:Port and wait für packets param ( [int]$udplistenport = 50002, [boolean]$debug = $false ) set-psdebug -strict $error.clear() try { Write-host "Receive-UDP:Start" $udpClient = New-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient($udplistenport) $RemoteIpEndPoint = New-Object System.Net.IPEndPoint([system.net.IPAddress]::Parse("") , 0); Write-host "Receive-UDP:Wait für Data on Port: $udplistenport" while ($true) { $data= $udpclient.receive([ref]$RemoteIpEndPoint) # wait für data arriving from any ip. Alternativ kann man eine Liste der erlaubten IPs angeben # Achtung: UDPClient puffert, d.h. wenn weiter Daten kommen, werden diese gequeue if ($debug) { write-host "Received packet from IP " $RemoteIpEndPoint.address ":" $RemoteIpEndPoint.Port write-host "Content" ([string]::join("",([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetChars($buffer)))) } # send structured Data to pipeline New-Object PSObject -Property @{ RemoteIP = $RemoteIpEndPoint.address RemotePort = $RemoteIpEndPoint.Port bytes = $buffer text = ([string]::join("",([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetChars($buffer)))) timestamp = (get-date -Format "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff") } } } catch { write-host "Receive-UDP:Error occured $error" } finally { write-host "Receive-UDP:Closing" $udpclient.close() Write-host "Receive-UDP:End" }