# send-udp # # Simple Tool to send UDP-Ports to a range with a various source port range. # you can use Netmon/Wireshark on the target to see the incomping traffic. # i have NO listener to listen on all ports param ( [Validatepattern("\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}")] [string]$remoteip = "", # IP to send to [ValidateRange(1,65535)] [int]$remoteudpport=50000, # port to send to [ValidateRange(0,65535)] [int]$sourceudpport = 0, # SourcePort, 0 uses an available port [string]$buffer = "SendUDP Message by msxfaq", [int]$packetcount = 100, # packetcount [int]$delayms = 10 # throttling in ms ) set-psdebug -strict $error.clear() write-host "send-udp:Sending Packet" write-host "send-udp:RemoteIPAddr :"$remoteip write-host "send-udp:RemoteUDPort :"$remoteudpport write-host "send-udp:SourceUDPPort:"$sourceudpport write-host "send-udp:Buffer :"$buffer write-host "send-udp:Packet2Send :"$packetcount write-host "send-udp:Delayms :"$delayms try { $udpClient = new-Object system.Net.Sockets.Udpclient($sourceudpport) $byteBuffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($Buffer) for ($i=0; $i -lt $packetcount; $i++) { $byteBuffer = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(($Buffer)) $sentbytes = $udpClient.Send($byteBuffer, $byteBuffer.length, $remoteip, $remoteudpport) if ($sentbytes -ne $byteBuffer.length) { write-host "send-udp:Send Bytes Mismatch" } start-sleep -milliseconds $delayms } } catch { write-host "send-udp:Error found "$error } finally { write-host "send-udp:Closing UDPSocket" $udpclient.close() write-host "send-udp:End" }